December 08, 2007


Whew! I took my last test yesterday morning for my online classes and I'm done!! Yeah. I have to be happy with Bs though. I guess that's pretty good since I am working full time and have a daily commute totaling 1 1/2 hours. Unfortunately, my house is showing it this week.
I only have the tree up this year. But, that's OK! I haven't bought a Christmas gift yet either. I am way behind but I am not stressing over it. I am definitely making some progress with my therapy and learning to not be a perfectionist. I was starting to stress yesterday because I wasn't happy with my Final in Medical Billing & Coding (it was a C!) I could have worn myself out by taking it again- it took my 2 hours the first time! I decided to be happy with a C and because I did well on all the other tests (As), I will finish with a B in the class. I also am not turning in my final project for my MS Office class. It was making a Powerpoint presentation. When I looked at my grad so far, an A, and realized that I'd get a B in the class if I didn't spend 3 hours putting it together, I decided to do that. I have been spending every weekend finishing up my online classes, doing things for Leanne and Roger and this weekend is ALL MINE!! I am planning to sew and cook! I am 'sew' excited!
Since I haven't posted any pics lately, I am posting one today of my good friend, Samantha.

She is a sweetheart and went to the hairdresser yesterday and got all spiffed up. Check out her bandanna! She just loves to go. She comes home prancing! Now that I will have more time, hopefully, I'll do a better job with my blog.

Happy Holidays!

1 comment:

Rhoto said...

Hi Ronda!! I "hear" GREAT PROGRESS!! Setting your own limits. Deciding what is "GOOD" yourself!! ENJOY your "sew and cook" week-end, eh!!
Soft hug,
Rhonda in Montreal (, who's celebrating, too!!