December 01, 2007


We have been having a lot of issues with our computer network connection and I have spent a lot of hours fighting with cable modems and routers and wireless contraptions! I hope that I have the problem under control now. The main internet connection is in the office and then we have 2 other computers using the internet access through wireless. The problem is that the wireless connections keep dropping off! I understand and know how to get them back online (usually) but Leanne and Roger don't have a clue.

I was using the router that Embarq sent to me when we signed up and for a while it seemed to be working okay. I believe it's the router causing the problems so I went out and bought a Linksys. It took me a bit, but I finally got it set up. Why is it whenever you need something you can't find it? i looked for 30 minutes for the CD to the other modem. Grrrrr. Now I am trying to install the last wireless G to the sewing room computer and I can't find the CD! It doesn't help that it's Vista either. Vista can be a pain in the butt.

We're decorating the tree and putting out Christmas decorations today. Roger is setting up the tree as I type this. Now that the kids are getting older it just doesn't feel the same. Hopefully, I'll get the other computer up and running (which is MY computer) and get some pictures downloaded of the tree.

I'm getting very close to finishing up my college courses. I have my final in one class to take sometime this week and then I need to put together a Powerpoint Presentation and submit it to the class. I finished with my outline this morning and I have been stressing over it all week. I finally decided on Fabric Savvy- a guide to sewing materials. I'll put the Powerpoint presentation on here when it's finished so you all can see it.

Well, I should finish up. Sorry this is a boring post. No pictures or anything! I felt that I should check in with everyone, but I just don't have any personal stuff on this particular computer.

Have a good Saturday!

1 comment:

Rhoto said...

Hi Ronda! Go, Gal with your final & presentation. I LIKE your subject choice!!
DH & I finished yesterday, 'cos we're auditing, eh... No papers & exams. No credits, either, eh! ;)
Warm greetings from our Winter Wonderland,
Rhonda with an "h"